
Cheer: “Would you like to browse our dessert list today?”

Lady: “Oh, heavens no! I’m so full. I’m so full, I just, I just can’t.”

Cheer: “OK. I’ll just take this plate full of butter from you, as it appears that it was left behind when your table was cleared.”

Lady: “No! I’m, I’m, I’m a stuttering mess at the thought of you removing my precious butter slab. And, I’m, I’m waiting for, going to have, some more, ummm, of that delicious cranberry bread.”

Cheer: “You’re so full you couldn’t possibly stomach a mouthful of sorbet, but you’d like to consume more dense bread with dried fruit and nuts in it, with a hefty amount of butter on top.”

Lady: “Yes.”

Cheer: “You’re going to have to show your work on that one.”


2 thoughts on “Dessert”

  1. It’s amazing how afraid people must be to say “no.” She could have said, “no thank you, but I would like some more cranberry bread.” Instead she chose to blatantly lie. How strange.

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