Category Archives: Listening: No One’s Doing It Anymore

Listening: No One’s Doing It Anymore II


Cheer: “The soup today is a tomato bisque. Do you have any questions about the menu?”

Customer 1: “What’s the soup?”
Cheer: “Tomato bisque.”

Customer 2: “What comes with the steak?”
Cheer: “Fries and a salad.”
Customer 2: “And what is the soup today?”
Cheer: “Tomato bisque.”

Customer 3: “What comes with the steak?”
Cheer: “Fries and a salad.”
Customer 3: “What is the soup today?”
Cheer: “Ask customer 1 or 2.”

Customer 4: “What is a steak?”
Cheer: “Expensive meat.”
Customer 4: “And what comes with that?”
Cheer: “Probably what’s listed on the menu, and what I just told customers 2 and 3.”
Customer 4: “Hmmm. And what’s the soup today?”
Cheer: “I will cut you.”

Listening: No One’s Doing It Anymore

Cheer: “Hi. I’ve come to serve you. To appease your every need. To wait on you hand and foot. For a few dollars.”

Customer: “After the third quarter review, Flotsam realized he was losing time with the NQRP, and he went behind Jetsam’s back to initiate the sale with Kleinstein. The LDT never changed its course until the NWS gave the signal to access the VQ Fund. Only then, with the contract on the table, did Blinkerflacker call on the elite network for a brainstorming session to come up with more lingo to use at restaurants while we ignore our server.”

Cheer: “I’ve been standing here, patiently waiting, for a good minute. Waiting for you to finish your thought, and shut the fuck up, so I can get your damn martini order. If you even dared to glance in my general direction, to acknowledge my existence, I might not have a strong urge to whip out my vagina and piss on your face right now.”

Customer: “Then the head of the RN187 division…”

Cheer: “Fuck my life.”
