Starting Tables

Cheer: “Would you like anything beside water to drink today?”
Customer: “I’ll probably have a Diet Coke.”
Cheer: “That is not an answer.”

Cheer: “Do you prefer bottled or tap water?”
Customer: “Iced tea.”
Cheer: “That is not a type of water.”

Cheer: “Do you prefer bottled or tap water?”
Customer: “Yes.”

Cheer: “Do you prefer bottled or tap water?”
Customer: “No.”
Cheer: “No, you don’t have a preference, or no, you don’t want water?”
Customer: “I don’t want water.”
Cheer: “Freak.”

Cheer: “Do you prefer bottled or tap water?”
Customer: “I’m waiting for someone.”
Cheer: “Yes, I know. That’s why I brought another menu and set it on the other setting across from you. I just thought you might like to consume some form of fluid while you wait for said person.”
Customer: “You’d be wrong. You wrongy-wrong-pants. Why on earth would I drink anything before my guest arrives?!”
Cheer: “Well, I’m obviously out of line here. I’ll leave you waterless and alone now.”

Cheer: “Do you prefer bottled or…”
Customer: “No menus.”
Cheer: “Uhhhh…”
Customer: “I’m waiting for someone.”
Cheer: “OK.”
Customer: “You can bring the menus back when he arrives.”
Cheer: “OoooooK. Would you like something to drink while you wait?”
Customer: “No.”
Cheer: “Water?”
Customer: “No. Nothing. Now leave me alone, you helpful wench.”

Cheer: “Do you prefer bottled or tap water?”
Customer: “Tap is fine.”
Cheer: “OK, and could I bring you anything else to drink while you’re waiting for your dining companion?”
Customer: “No, I’ll wait for him, but, I’ll probably want an iced tea, and he’ll probably want a Diet Coke.”
Cheer: “OK. So, I’ll leave you with water for now and come back when your guest arrives?”
Customer: “Thanks.”
— Guest Arrives —
Cheer: “Would either of you like anything beside water to drink?”
Guest: “No.”
First guy: “Really? No, Diet Coke?”
Guest: “Nah.”
First guy: “Huh.”
Cheer to first guy: “So, iced tea for you?”
First guy: “No. Nothing. Thank you.”
Cheer: “WTF.”

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